
Daily Narrow CPR Stocks [Narrow CPR Stocks For Tomorrow]

(Updated on 23.04.2024)

Here is the list of all Narrow CPR Stocks for Tomorrow or Daily Narrow CPR Stocks under F&O segment for 24.04.2024. This list is updated everyday at the end of market hours so kindly bookmark this page to stay updated. 

Sr.Stock NameSymbol
1Dlf LimitedDLF
2Hcl Technologies LimitedHCLTECH
3Godrej Properties LimitedGODREJPROP
4Tata Communications LimitedTATACOMM
5Sun Tv Network LimitedSUNTV
6Hindustan Unilever LimitedHINDUNILVR
7Voltas LimitedVOLTAS
8Jubilant Foodworks LimitedJUBLFOOD
9Marico LimitedMARICO
10Tata Power Company LimitedTATAPOWER
11Icici Bank LimitedICICIBANK
12Canara BankCANBK
13Container Corporation Of India LimitedCONCOR
14Tata Consultancy Services LimitedTCS
15Dabur India LimitedDABUR
16Axis Bank LimitedAXISBANK
18Adani Enterprises LimitedADANIENT
19Berger Paints (i) LimitedBERGEPAINT
20Larsen & Toubro LimitedLT
21Ipca Laboratories LimitedIPCALAB
22Interglobe Aviation LimitedINDIGO
23Vedanta LimitedVEDL

Daily Narrow CPR indicates that there is high probability of a trending move either upside or downside in the stock during the day. 

Related articles:

Weekly Narrow CPR Stocks

Monthly Narrow CPR Stocks

What is CPR indicator or Central Pivot Range

How to add CPR Indicator in Zerodha

DISCLAIMER: We are not SEBI registered. We don't provide any buy, sell or investment advice. All these stocks are shared for educational and information purpose only. Only you will be responsible for any profit or loss incurred to you.

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17 thoughts on “Daily Narrow CPR Stocks [Narrow CPR Stocks For Tomorrow]”

  1. hi, i am a new trader and found out that the narrow cpr strategy works good and i want to thank you for giving out such helpful strategy for free. I have been doing day trading from past 1 year and i am making good money. i have book marked this website from quief a long time and i have even added shortcut to this website so that i can get list of stocks but i want to know that how do you filter out these stock list as i have tried scanner to find out but i couldnt find any any reliable scanner, can you please tell us how to do this…?

  2. Dear teams,

    First i appreciate your efforts …
    I have searched a lot of sites for the narrow CPR for tomorrow. But most of the sites showing wrong information ….
    Your sites showing correct information ….. i Have tested it for the last 3 days….
    Keep going up….

    Thank you,

  3. Thank you very much for CPR stocks are providing.
    I’m daily basis trading on your CPR stocks.
    Kindly continue this work. Thank to cprgyan team.👏👏👏

  4. THANKS for providing a valuable information
    weekly and narrow cpr works
    QU is when i use normal candlestick narrow cpr lines is diffrunt and when i use
    hykenashi candlestick narrow cpr lines shows diffrant that also works but always there is confusion in my mind please tell me technicaly what is more promising
    i use tradingview

  5. In which timeframe you enter the market on what condition you take entry, narrow cpr, high value relationship method? any tutorial here?


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